Culmination of GSoC

With GSoC coming to an end, I would like to summarize the work that has been completed. The proposal I wrote for the project was on the track with the ideas list which was mentioned for the same, augmented with few ideas of my own. I time required for the accomplishment of the tasks mentioned in ideas list was extended due to extensive testing in different systems and configurations to find solutions.

The tasks accomplished during the GSoC journey are for two projects:

  • rdataretriever - It contains the core code of the R package. As reflected by the GSoC ideas list for this project, the new code encompasses all the points mentioned. The R package is at par with Python package now and the Python path detection problem has been resolved.
  • retriever - It contains the documentation for the updated code of the R package. It has been equipped with the crucial examples and detailed explanation for the same.

The work completed are reflected by the following URLs. I have divided them, first according to projects and then subdivided into commits and PRs.



The work on passing Travis CI testing is still in progress. I require more time to make it error-proof and hence I will continue my work on it and finish it in near future.

With the end of this journey, I have gained substantial knowledge about working in Open Source Community, GitHub, R packages, Travis testing, dealing with different environments and last but not the least, a better coder.
